Employer Sponsored Visa

See which of the 2 types best suit you situation:

  • Temporary Skill Shortage (482)

  • Employer Nomination Scheme (186)

This visa enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers can't source an appropriately skilled Australian worker.

  • There are 3 steps involved for TSS 482 visa:

     Step 1: a sponsorship application by the employer (the employer needs to be a lawfully operating business, meet local labour and employment practices, be viable to sponsor from overseas)

     Step 2: a nomination application for a skilled position by the employer (that the position is genuine, how the position became vacant, newly created position)

     Step 3: a visa application by the nominated employee

    This visa will allow you to:

    •Work in Australia for your sponsor for up to 4 years (if occupation on MLTSSL list) OR 2 years (if occupation on STSOL list)

    •Study (you won't receive government assistance)

    •Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid

    •If eligible, apply for permanent residence



    1.Be nominated by an approved sponsor

    2.Occupation on medium and long-term strategic skills list (MLTSSL) or the Regional Occupation list (ROL) for 4 years visa OR on short term skilled occupation list (STSOL) for 2 years visa

    3.Have at least 2 years of full-time relevant work experience in the nominated occupation

    4.Skills assessment is required for trades occupation

    5.Meet English language requirements, score of 5 in each band of IELTS for medium term stream, for short term stream overall score of 5 in IELTS with no scores less than 4.5 in any of the 4 bands

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by an employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

  • With this visa, you can:

    •Stay in Australia indefinitely
    •Work and study in Australia
    •Enrol in Australia’s public healthcare scheme, Medicare
    •Sponsor eligible relatives to come to Australia
    •Travel to and from Australia for 5 years
    •Apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible

    Direct Entry Scheme
    1.Occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.

    2.Be nominated by an Australian employer whose business is actively and lawfully operating

    3.Have at least 3 years relevant work experience in nominated occupation

    4.Have a positive skills assessment

    5.Be under 45 years of age

    6.Have at least competent English, IELTS (or equivalent test) score of 6 in each component.

    Temporary Residence Transition Stream

  • This visa will allow you to:

    •Stay in Australia permanently

    •Work and study in Australia

    •Enrol in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare

    •Sponsor your relatives to come to Australia

    •Travel to and from Australia for 5 years

    •If eligible apply for Australian citizenship



    1.Held your designated investment for at least 4 years

    2.Have lived in Australia for at least 2 of the 4 years immediately before you apply